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当前位置 首页 剧情片 《男人雄起》


类型:喜剧 剧情片 剧情  美国  2011 

主演:亚历山德拉·霍尔登 道格·海利 特丽·波洛 坎迪斯·帕顿 阿玛尼·杰克 



Will's grandfather fought in WWII. Will's father fought in Vietnam. Will plays Call of Duty on his PS3 and drinks non-dairy hazelnut creamer. So what happened to all the real men? They're still here -- they just smell like pomegranate body wash now. Meet Will (Mather Zickel). His evolved, sensitive nature is why his awesome wife, Theresa (Teri Polo), married him. But Will and his friends find themselves wondering -- in a world of Axe ads and manscaping -- what does it really mean to be a guy anymore



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